Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


July Dinner

Members and their partners are advised that the 703rd meeting,
The Winter Ladies’ night
Will be on

Saturday July 17th, 2010
Sovereign Hill, Charlie Napier Hotel

At 7.00pm

Food Master: Dennis Chamberlain
Wine Master: Phil Dover
Dress; Dinner Jacket or equivalent
Guests are most welcome
Electronic banking via account:
ANZ BSB 013 520 ACCOUNT 008699266 is recommended.

Cost $120 per person

Reply to Bob House, 10 Parker Street Ballarat 3350
RSVP 12/7/10

Please, everyone (even automatics) reply, give details of your partner and any special food needs. This is one of the special events of the year, be sure to come, with your partner and friends.

Dennis’s email is dead, anyone who has replied to him, send again