Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Warrenmang in Springtime

Luigi and I would like to remind members that they are always welcome to purchase Warrenmang and Bazzani wines at Cellar Door Price, less 20% discount.

Order Form and Tasting Notes attached.

If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Also, on Monday prior to Melbourne Cup, 1st November, there is a LONG LUNCH WITH LUIGI AT WARRENMANG VINEYARD & RESORT – starting at Noon, 3 courses and 6 premium vintage wines including 2003 Magnum of Black Puma Shiraz, fantastic value for Money $65 per person.

Running Bulls Tempranillo

Maybe the most interesting wine of the night at Brim-Brim on Thursday last was the Running Bulls Tempranillo. This wine is available at Nick's Vintage Direct

706th Dinner

October 21st
Brim Brim Pavillion
President Rob Campbell

Tôm Bao Mia Prawn on sugar cane Saigon
Nem Cuôn Huê‘ Rice paper rolls with pork and pickled prawn The Centre
Com Nep Chien Fried Sticky rice North

Pierre Peters Blanc de Blanc NV

Pho bo Beef noodle soup

Dopff Gerwurtztraminer Grand Cru 2004

Muc Xào Can Toi Charred squid The Coast
Cá Nuong Lá Chuôi Banana leaf wrapped and grilled trevally The Centre

Blank Riesling Rosenbourg 2001
Pfaffenheim Gerwurztraminer 1997
Bun Cha , Lon Kho Tiéu & Com Sen Hue
Pork grilled Hanoi
Sticky rice and pork in lotus leaf The Centre
Caramel pork Hanoi
Ca Tim Nureng Vei Toi Ot

Grossett Pinot Noir 2003
Rafa Vineyards Running with Bulls Tempranillo 2009

Ca Tim Nureng Vei Toi Ot Smoky eggplant, chilli, basil and garlic
Rau Murông Xà Toi Water spinach and garlic The Mekong Delta

Xoi Dua
Sticky rice balls
Petit fours
Fresh Asian fruit

Dr Loosen Urziger Wurzgarten Riesling Auslese 2002

Chef: Peter Ford
Food Master: Ross Wilkie Winemaster : Phil Dover

Kusuda Wines

At the beginning of the year the committee made the decision to reduce the number of wines purchased and increase the quality. One of our recent investments fits this aim. For more information

October Dinner

Invitation to the 706thDinner

Members are advised that the 706th meetingwill be on
Thursday October 21st 2010

At Brim Brim
Hastie St

At 7.00pm

Food Master: Ross Wilkie
Wine Master: Phil Dover
Dress Lounge Suit
Guests are most welcome
Electronic banking via account:
ANZ BSB 013 520 ACCOUNT 008699266 is recommended.
Cost $120 per person

Reply to Ross Wilkie
53312105 0418819675
RSVP 17/10/10

Pyrenees Escapade Masterclass

Sunday 31st October
Pyrenees Escapade
A European Wine and Food Weekend. Join in the festivities focussing on local wines and the region's quality produce in european inspired dishes. Activities include an International Master-class, wine option challenge, petanque tournament, musicians and door prizes every hour. Entry $20 per person includes souvenir festival wine tasting glass, and festival carry bag. International Master-class $40 (limited seats available), Tasting plates $10 - purchase at the event.
LOCATION: Avoca Turf Club Function Centre
CONTACT NAME: Kate Kirkpatrick 0408 414 660

See below for links:-

Victor Gibson Dinner 2011

Please find attached preliminary details for the 2011 Victor Gibson Weekend to enable preregistration for this event

An editable doc document is attached which may be emailed to your membership, completed and emailed back to John Higginson thus providing the organisers with preliminary information so a registration form may be mailed direct to them and your society.

The pdf attachment is in a format that can be printed and circulated within your membership

These two forms will be posted to the FWFSA web site by end October 2010

We look forward to catching up with your members in April 2011

Copies of the documents are also being mailed to all Societies