Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Minutes AGM 2017

The Wine and Food Society of Ballarat
Minutes - Annual General Meeting
February 16, 2017,
At Craig’s Royal Hotel,
Lydiard Street, Ballaarat
Present: Andrew Bradley, Mal Anderson, Tony Campana, Rod Campbell, John Nelson, John Coco, Jim Paterson, Mario Cordioli, Les Dickinson, Mike Sheedy, Phil Dover, Anthony Singleton, Shaun English, Bob House, Brian Hassett, John Williams, Andrew Lewis, Gabriel Yanes, Adrian Matherson
Apologies: Luigi Bazzani, Ross Wilkie, Wayne Spring, John Stickland, Degen Murphy, Andrew Rowan
Minutes of AGM 2016: Approved Andrew Bradley, Seconded Anthony Singleton
Correspondence: Nil
Report as presented on the blog site: All accepted
All positions then declared vacant and Bob House took the Chair
Election of Committee and Office Bearers: Single candidates for each position and all approved by acclamation:
President - Mal Anderson; Secretary – Dean Stevens; Treasurer – Shaun English; Cellar Master – John Coco; Food Master – Andrew Lewis; Wine Master – Andrew Bradley; Committee Members – Anthony Singleton and Gabriel Yanes
Fees and Membership Dues: Treasurer Phil proposed Dinner Fee and Cellar Fees remain at $140.00 and $340.00 respectively. Seconded John Coco. 
Appointment of Auditor:Proposed Phil Dover, Seconded John Coco that auditor J. Twomey be re-appointed. Motion approved by acclamation
There being no further business for the AGM, meeting closed at 8.20pm
Addendum: Dean Stevens raised the matter of a proposed change of the timing of the Annual General Meeting and it was agreed that this issue would be discussed over the following months, and a Special General Meeting be called to discuss and vote on this later in the year