Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Minutes AGM 2018

Craig’s Hotel, Lydiard St. Ballarat.    17thMay 2018
Present; Malcolm Anderson, Andrew Bradley, Luigi Bazzani, Tony Campana, Rob Campbell,
John Coco, Mario Cordioli, Les Dickinson, Sean English, Brian Hassett, Bob House, John Nelson,
Anthony Singleton, Mike Sheedy, John Stickland, John Williams, Gabrial Yanes.
Meeting Convened @ 19.35

Apologies: Phil Dover, Andrew Lewis, Adrian Matherson, Degan Murphy, Jim Paterson,
Andrew Rowan, Wayne Spring, Dean Stevens.

Minutes of the 2017 AGM was tabled and accepted as correct.
Approved A. Bradley Seconded B. House 

Correspondance: Nil presented.

Reports: As posted on the Blog-site.
The Cellar-Master made a correction to the Total value of the Society’s Cellar after realizing an error in the totals column.
The Treasurer mentioned that the books were still to be audited, the delay due to finalizing amounts owed and due.
Moved M.Anderson, Seconded J.Coco, Motion Carried.
The outgoing President thanked all concerned for their help throughout his term as president.

All Postions declared vacant and Bob House takes the Chair.

Election of Committee : Single nominations for all positions vacant:
President - Andrew Bradley, Secretary - Dean Stevens, Treasurer - Sean English,
Cellar-Master - John Coco, Wine-Master - Anthony Singleton, Food-Master - Andrew Lewis.
Committee Members – Mal Anderson and Gabriel Yanes.   No objections and carried by all.

A motion to increase both the Yearly Cellar Fee and the Monthly Dinner Fee was raised by the Treasurer, so as to cover the increase in the price of wines and the higher price of meals.
After much discussion by various members it was settled on raising the Annual fee from $340 to $450 and the Monthly Dinner fee from $140 to $150.
Moved B. Hassett Seconded J. Coco, carried.

A motion to keep the Guest Dinner fee to remain the same at $100, and that any new members who joined after the AGM would only need to pay a pro-rata rate of the annual Cellar Fee.
Moved S. English, Seconded M. Anderson, carried.

A point was raised concerning the possibility of changing the Dinner Night from a Thursday to a Tuesday, Tuesday is generally a quieter night and the Society may get better value from the venues!
Not voted on.

A discussion was held on how to attract new members and how to increase numbers of members at some of the monthly dinners, no conclusive outcome. To continue.

The Treasurer ask that when members transferred money into the Society’s bank acc. To please avoid grouping multiple payments and to clearly identify what the money is for.

Meeting Concluded @21.40