Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Smoke Taint; 2020 vintage not looking good

Bushfires and drought; 2020 vintage is tough
When there has been so much personal pain and misery as a result of the terrible fire season it seems a little churlish to complain about the inevitable problems producing wine this year. However, it's not looking good, Tyrrells in the Hunter have already abandoned this year's vintage, there will be more to  come. Some vignerons will try to salvage their product by removing the skins but don't expect to be laying down prime stock this year. It looks as though the Adelaide Hills will be stuffed and for many in the industry it will be terminal. This report from Adrian Brayne in Tumbarumba is heart felt. He has no home right now and sleeps on a couch with a blanket inside his winery building.

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Trump's head

What? Trump's head
Where? Deakin Place behind BFAG
When? 15/1-5/4/2020
Will it survive?