Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Wine Master Annual Report

my annual report 

I said it last year and I’ll say it again, it has been an absolute pleasure to serve as Wine Master on behalf of the society members.

This year I move aside from the position hoping that the membership have enjoyed how their wines have been served up to them over the past two years.

We have enjoyed many memorable special occasions during my time, such as the honouring of Mr Les Dickenson and Mr Jim Patterson on their combined 50th year Dinner and also the 800th Dinner celebration, just to name a couple. These occasions allowed me to showcase the depth of our wonderful cellar and I hope you have enjoyed.  I again give praise to past Cellar Masters for their contribution and make special mention to John Coco for his continued work in keeping our cellar up to a first class standing.

Our Food Master Andrew Lewis continued to delight us with interesting venues and interesting menus for which I hope I did justice with the wine matching.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity as Wine Master, the experience has improved my wine knowledge thanks to the round table conversations and the vast knowledge of the members.

With thanks to the hard work from our President Andrew Bradley and the rest of the Committee, our society will continue to prosper and provide for some memorable times ahead.


"Spilling your glass of wine is the adult equivalent of letting go a balloon."