Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Cellarmaster's Report


Currently, the Ballarat Wine and Food Society Cellar is in good shape.

The new database makes preparing reports easy (see attached).

I have been a little slow on buying wines for the cellar - restricted space and Victor Gibson are my excuses.  I have some deliveries due, which will go in in due course.  The overall buying strategy has been to source variety (trying to provide wines that we would not usually drink at home) and quality.  I am deliberately avoiding wines that don't deliver value (for example, I will buy premium Australian Cabernets rather than mediocre bordeaux).

Please see the attached report of the current state of your cellar.

Cheers All,


Treasurer's Report


Annual Treasurer’s Report Financial Year Ending 30 June 2021

·      The 2020/2021 financial year started with an opening balance of $11,867. The closing balance as 30 June 2021 was $14,152. 

·      The society Bank account remains with ANZ Bank the account keeping fees total $125 for the financial year. 

·      The financial accounts are being audited by Sharp Accounting (Glen Sharp) and will be loaded up online on the Society Website once completed.


It is recommended that cellar fees remain at $500 p.a. Dinner Fees at $150 per dinner for Members and $120 for guest.  


A treasurer prepared income and expenses summary statement for the last three financial years below.

·      The income collected for dinner and cellar fees total $28,531.  The expenses can be split as follows:

§  Dinner Expenses represent 61% of total income $20,952 (YE19 $22,815)

§  Wine Purchases represent 26% of total Income $7,048 (YE19 $15,887.) 

§  Other expenses represent 13% of total income, noting that Victor Gibson Weekend there were some preliminary expenses for booking of venues or catering, this represented 65 of total expenses.


·      The cash position was higher than previous year as a direct result of a reduction in the number of dinners compared to previous years due to COVID-19 and limited numbers allowed on the dinners that we had during the period.

·      Whilst, VG Weekend event took place on current financial year, it should be noted that on cash basis there was a small profit after all cost were accounted for, this was after a few cancellations due to COVID were refunded.


Gabriel Yanes Treasurer

President's report


Members of the Society,


Whilst we continued our little game of cat and mouse with COVID over the past 12 months, we managed only to miss out on our September dinner. Since then things have been somewhat normal and it was great to see Bob being able to once again make the trip up from the big smoke to participate.


We did pull the pin on the second attempt to hold the Victor Gibson weekend in October 2021 but we were delighted to finally deliver the event recently this March. Suffice to say, that the entire weekend was a complete success. We had 103 registered dignitaries over the full weekend of events, toped off with 101 of them attending a wonderful evening at The Mining Exchange for the formal Black Tie, Federation of Wine and Food Societies Australia 25th Commemorative Victor Gibson Dinner.


The weekend events were well supported by our members and I hope that you enjoyed all that was on offer. I wish to extend a heartfelt thankyou and congratulations to our hard working organizing committee for sticking with it for three attempts. We have had countless notes of appreciation and praise from our guests and the FWFSA Committee. Well done to all.


Sadly this past 12 months we have lost two very dear friends and long serving members, Mr John Stickland and Mr Les Dickinson. On behalf of the Society we passed on our gratitude and condolences to Adri and Trudie and families.


The Society has been enriched with new members and thank those current members who have done the introductions as this will ensure our Society continues strongly into the future.


I take this opportunity to especially thank our hard working Committee, Mr Andrew Lewis, Food Master, Mr Andrew Rowan Wine Master. Office bearers Mr Dean Stevens, Secretary and Mr Gabriel Yanes, Treasurer.  Mr Shaun English Cellar Master and to the rest of the Committee, Mr Andrew Bradley and Mr Paul Martino. Thanks for your support and hard work.


Thank you also to Mr Bob House for his continued work and upkeep of our blog.


It has been a very busy year but one to remember, I have been honoured to have severed as President of this historic and proud Society, not only this year but for the past two years. Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to sharing good wine, good food and good company well into the future.





13th May 2022.