Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Minutes AGM

Present –
Rob Campbell, Paul Hemming , Brian Hassett , John Nelson, Dennis Chamberlain , Tony Campana, Phil Dover, Dean Stephens, Luigi Bazzani, Jim Patterson , Wayne Spring, Degan Murphy , John Stickland, Mike Sheedy, Les Dickinson , Ross Wilkie
David O’Sullivan , ,Andrew Lewis, Don Moss , John Williams, Bob House

1. Minutes of 2009 AGM
Moved Jim Patterson, seconded Mike Sheedy.
2. Matters arising from Previous AGM
a. Admission of Women and Membership drive.
It was decided that the Committee would re-assess the Society’s feelings regarding admission of Female Members.

3. Reports
a. Treasurer Mr Jim Patterson
The Treasurer’s Report was accepted subject to the Auditor’s opinion being satisfactory.
Moved, Jim Patterson, seconded, Brian Hassett.
b. Food Master Mr Dennis Chamberlain
c. Wine Master Dr Phil Dover
d. Cellar Master Mr John Nelson
e. President Dr Paul Hemming
The other Reports were moved in unison by Jim Patterson and seconded by Dean Stephens.

4. General Business
a .Dinner and Cellar Fees
It was decided to continue the current fee structure, ie $120/dinner and Cellar Fee of $250 /year.
Moved Dennis Chamberlain, Seconded Mike Sheedy

5. Election of Office Bearers 2010
a. President Dr Rob Campbell
b. Treasurer Dr Paul Hemming
c. Food Master Mr Dennis Chamberlain
d. Wine Master Dr Phil Dover
e. Cellar Master Mr Jim Patterson
f. Secretary Dr Bob House
g. Other members- Mr John Nelson
Dr Ross Wilkie
h. Public Officer Dr Paul Hemming
i. Honorary Auditor Mr John Twomey
Moved, John Nelson, Seconded , Paul Hemming

7. Other Business
a. It was emphasized by the Membership to the Committee that the 700th Dinner in April , was to be organized as an auspicious occasion. The Committee was to investigate ways in which this may be achieved.
Suggestions for venue were Craig’s or the Yacht Club with Peter Ford catering.
b. Les Dickinson raised the concept that a category of Special Retired Membership be instituted. Former members would be
invited to attend one or two special Dinners a year, paying per dinner but without having to commit to the Cellar Fee.
The Committee agreed to look at implementation of this idea.
Moved Les Dickinson, Seconded, John Nelson.
c. It was agreed that John Twomey be invited to join the Society and he was again appointed Honorary Auditor.
Moved Jim Patterson, Seconded John Nelson
The AGM was closed at 9.45 pm.

R.A. Campbell, Secretary