Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Wine Cellar

Jim Patterson, our cellar master has updated the cellar list, which is available on the blog spot, see LINK. He makes some interesting comments as follows:-

I thought it may be interesting to compare the changes in the Society's Wine Cellar since 1993 (My first Cellar List!)

Compared to my recent Stock take:

Australian Whites are up from 136 to 148 (a 9% increase)

Australian Reds down from 1139 to 764 (a 33% decrease)

Imported Whites up from 160 to 240 (a 50% increase)

Imported Reds down from 369 to 290 (a 21% decrease)

Fortified Wines down from 191 to 138 (a decrease of 28%)

Sparkling Wines up from 50 to 80 (an increase of 60%)

The total wine stock has reduced from 2045 bottles (170 dozen) to 1660 bottles (138 dozen) - a reduction of 19%.

This as a good illustration of changing trends and the influence of different Cellar masters over that period.

Thanks, Jim