Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Menu Dinner 753

753rd Dinner – February 19, 2015
Annual General Meeting

Craig’s Royal Hotel,
Lydiard Street South,

President: Shaun English


Pulled pork torchon on carrot and orange puree
Crab salad, avocado mousse, aruga on witlof
Fresh figs, tallegio, prosciutto vincotto

Krug NV Grand Cuvee
Entrée 1

Brook trout crudo, pumpernickel, trout caviar, botargo, spiced orange, fennel, herbs

2007 Penfolds Reserve Bin 07A Chardonnay
2007 Ramonet Chassange Montrachet Boudriotte

Entrée 2

Roast bone marrow & parsley salad with sourdough toast

2008 Vignobles Brunier Domaine Vieux Telegraphe Chateau Neuf du Pape La Crau
2011 Domaine Lafage Cotes du Roussillon ‘Tesselae’ Old Vines


Sirloin and pressed rib of wagyu with textures of onion

1988 Seppelt Great Western Hermitage
1998 Penfolds Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon


Chef’s selection of cheese

1989 Moulin Touchais Coteaux du Layon

Chef: Ian Curley with Shannon Easton
Foodmaster: Dean Stevens
Winemaster: Mal Anderson

Minutes AGM February 19 2015

Minutes AGM 19/2/15

Present:- Shaun English, Luigi Bazzani, Mike Sheedy, Phil Dover, John Williams,  Les Dickinson, Mario Cordioli, Jim Patterson, Bob House, Rob Campbell, Mal Anderson, John Nelson, Degen Murphy, John Stickland, Andrew Lewis, Dean Stevens, Andrew Bradley, Todd Stevens, Wayne Spring, Tony Campana.
Apologies, John Coco, Ross Wilkie, Brian Hassett, Wes McKnight.

Minutes AGM 2014 (on blog) approved M. D Murphy 2nd A Lewis

Correspondence nil

Reports (on blog) all accepted

Welcome new member:- Todd Stevens

Single candidate each post, approved by acclamation

President Shaun English
Secretary Bob House
Treasurer Phil Dover
Cellar Master John Coco
Food Master Andrew Lewis
Wine Master Dean Stevens
Committee members Mal Anderson, Jim Patterson

Fees and membership dues

Proposal P Dover 2nd R House
" that the dinner fee is unchanged at $130 and the Annual membership fee (wine levy) be increased to $330".

Jim P  " probably not enough to maintain standard of cellar"
Andrew L "need to increase membership"
Mario C " result of increase in numbers: insufficient holdings in cellar"
Wayne S " should value wines at cost"
Shaun " increase cost will deter new members"

Vote:- passed unanimously

Auditor Appointment
Proposal P Dover " that the current auditor J Twomey be re-appointed"
approved by acclamation

Meeting ended 8.20 pm.


At the next meeting 19/2/2015

Proposed "That John Coco should be given signing rights for the Society Account and that Jim Patterson's right to sign should expire"  M P Dover 2nd A Lewis approved by acclamation

Auditors Report

"Click' to enlarge

President's Report

President’s Report

2014 was, I believe, a successful year for the society.  Many good nights were enjoyed, along with many good wines, and some outstanding food.  There were some particular successes along the way, the joint dinner with Beafsteak and Burgundy an example, and Luigi Bazzani being invested with the Order of Australia a standout.

Membership is at a level that makes our future assured, with still others expressing interest in joining.  Our cellar has been stocked and groomed to ensure we have fine wines available in quantities to service the current numbers.  As such, no increases are planned, but it is reassuring to know that we have some room to move.

2014 saw fine service to the society from our Wine, Food, and Cellar Masters.  I believe I can speak for all when I say that their efforts have been first rate, and have been enjoyed by all.  Their tasks are, at times, difficult, and I am constantly reassured when I see each success.  Jim has done an excellent job of refining and redirecting the cellar, Malcolm has been adept at putting great wines in front of us, and Dean has served in his role as Food Master with distinction.  I also have to add a personal thanks to Dean for his help in making my transition into the office as President so much easier.  Finally, I think we all appreciate the work done by Bob and Phil, our Secretary and Treasurer.

As we watch 2015 unfold, I believe we will see ongoing Ballarat Wine and Food society enjoy ongoing success.  We have a formula that works, strong and vibrant membership, engaged and involved office bearers and a cellar with depth and breadth.


Treasurer's Report

The Society remains financially secure and viable   
Cellar fees of $6000 and Dinner fees of $26590 show in increase in revenue of $4790 due to higher attendance numbers    I would like to recommend keeping dinner and guest fees the same as last year  but increase the cellar fees marginally from $300 to $330 to allow our cellarmaster to continue to purchase quality wines   Last years wine purchase  by Jim Patterson totaled $8112   slightly down from the previous year
 Catering costs  have been $21829  on a par with  the previous year as do  other payments  for insurance and Australian wine and food society membership
 The Accounts have been audited by our honorary auditor Mr John Twomey
   Philip A J Dover     Treasurer