Minutes AGM 19/2/15
Present:- Shaun English, Luigi Bazzani, Mike Sheedy, Phil Dover, John Williams, Les Dickinson, Mario Cordioli, Jim Patterson, Bob House, Rob Campbell, Mal Anderson, John Nelson, Degen Murphy, John Stickland, Andrew Lewis, Dean Stevens, Andrew Bradley, Todd Stevens, Wayne Spring, Tony Campana.
Apologies, John Coco, Ross Wilkie, Brian Hassett, Wes McKnight.
Minutes AGM 2014 (on blog) approved M. D Murphy 2nd A Lewis
Correspondence nil
Reports (on blog) all accepted
Welcome new member:- Todd Stevens
Single candidate each post, approved by acclamation
President Shaun English
Secretary Bob House
Treasurer Phil Dover
Cellar Master John Coco
Food Master Andrew Lewis
Wine Master Dean Stevens
Committee members Mal Anderson, Jim Patterson
Fees and membership dues
Proposal P Dover 2nd R House
" that the dinner fee is unchanged at $130 and the Annual membership fee (wine levy) be increased to $330".
Jim P " probably not enough to maintain standard of cellar"
Andrew L "need to increase membership"
Mario C " result of increase in numbers: insufficient holdings in cellar"
Wayne S " should value wines at cost"
Shaun " increase cost will deter new members"
Vote:- passed unanimously
Auditor Appointment
Proposal P Dover " that the current auditor J Twomey be re-appointed"
approved by acclamation
Meeting ended 8.20 pm.
At the next meeting 19/2/2015
Proposed "That John Coco should be given signing rights for the Society Account and that Jim Patterson's right to sign should expire" M P Dover 2nd A Lewis approved by acclamation
At the next meeting 19/2/2015
Proposed "That John Coco should be given signing rights for the Society Account and that Jim Patterson's right to sign should expire" M P Dover 2nd A Lewis approved by acclamation
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