Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Something different

The Minutes from 2018, passed in absentia

Wine and Food Society of Ballarat.    Annual General Meeting.

Craig’s Hotel, Lydiard St. Ballarat.    17thMay 2018

Present; Malcolm Anderson, Andrew Bradley, Luigi Bazzani, Tony Campana, Rob Campbell,
John Coco, Mario Cordioli, Les Dickinson, Sean English, Brian Hassett, Bob House, John Nelson,
Anthony Singleton, Mike Sheedy, John Stickland, John Williams, Gabriel Yanes.

Meeting Convened @ 19.35

Apologies: Phil Dover, Andrew Lewis, Adrian Matherson, Degan Murphy, Jim Paterson,
Andrew Rowan, Wayne Spring, Dean Stevens.

Minutes of the 2017 AGM was tabled and accepted as correct.
Approved A. Bradley Seconded B. House 

Correspondance: Nil presented.

Reports: As posted on the Blog-site.
The Cellar-Master made a correction to the Total value of the Society’s Cellar after realizing an error in the totals column.
The Treasurer mentioned that the books were still to be audited, the delay due to finalizing amounts owed and due.
Moved M.Anderson, Seconded J.Coco, Motion Carried.

The outgoing President thanked all concerned for their help throughout his term as president.

All Postions declared vacant and Bob House takes the Chair.

Election of Committee : Single nominations for all positions vacant:
President - Andrew Bradley, Secretary - Dean Stevens, Treasurer - Sean English,
Cellar-Master - John Coco, Wine-Master - Anthony Singleton, Food-Master - Andrew Lewis.
Committee Members – Mal Anderson and Gabriel Yanes.   No objections and carried by all.

A motion to increase both the Yearly Cellar Fee and the Monthly Dinner Fee was raised by the Treasurer, so as to cover the increase in the price of wines and the higher price of meals.
After much discussion by various members it was settled on raising the Annual fee from $340 to $450 and the Monthly Dinner fee from $140 to $150.
Moved B. Hassett Seconded J. Coco, carried.

A motion to keep the Guest Dinner fee to remain the same at $100, and that any new members who joined after the AGM would only need to pay a pro-rata rate of the annual Cellar Fee.
Moved S. English, Seconded M. Anderson, carried.

A point was raised concerning the possibility of changing the Dinner Night from a Thursday to a Tuesday, Tuesday is generally a quieter night and the Society may get better value from the venues!
Not voted on.

A discussion was held on how to attract new members and how to increase numbers of members at some of the monthly dinners, no conclusive outcome. To continue.

The Treasurer ask that when members transferred money into the Society’s bank acc. To please avoid grouping multiple payments and to clearly identify what the money is for.

Meeting Concluded @21.40

Menu Dinner 798

Dinner 798
Thursday 21st March 2019
Kingfish gravlax, pressed watermelon, chilli
Oyster natural - Shiraz granita
 Pan seared scallop - white bean puree, prosciutto crisp
NV – Andre Clouet – Rosè  No 3 - Brut

Middle eastern spiced pork belly, spiced pear puree, toasted walnuts, honey feta foam
2014-Byrne Myola Chardonnay
2013-Giaconda Chardonnay

Chimmichurri eye fillet of beef, sweet corn and coriander veloute, white bean cassoulet, smoked cherry tomatoes, chimmichurri sauce

2009-Mayu Reserve Shiraz
2009 – Moppity – Hilltops Reserve - Shiraz
2011-Tobias Howell Cabernet sauvignon

Pandan creme patisserie, fried meringue, kaffir lime sugar
1996- Chateau Reynella Shiraz vintage Port
Food Master: Andrew Lewis
Wine Master: Anthony Singleton
Head Chef:Adrian Murfet

WFS Cellar List March 2019

Wine Purchases 2018

Cellar Master’s Report for 2018.

For another year I was privileged to be Custodian to our Society’s Wine Cellar.

Again I found myself wading through an endless stream of emails that promised you the bargain of the year for these outstanding wines from the vintage of the century! But then again only the best are good enough to be selected for our cellar.

In 2018 we consumed 230 bottles of wine as compared with 238 bottles the previous year, most of these came from our cellar with the remainder being generously donated by some of our members and of course Gibson wines who supplied all wines for a dinner hosted by one of our members in his personal wine-cellar.

Throughout the year we purchased 206 bottles of wines at a cost of $11,292 (av. cost of $54.80 per bottle), whereas the previous year we purchased 255 bottles of wine at a cost of $13,414 (av. cost of $52.60 per bottle) The difference is mainly due to the shorter period between the A.G.M.s

The cellar now holds 1456 bottles as compared to 1462 bottles the previous year, with an approximate value of $101,966

I wish to thank our President Andrew Bradley for his guidance to the committee, Dean S. as secretary for keeping us on track, Andrew L. as Foodmaster for his choice of venues and selection of the menu, Anthony S. as Wine Master and not always choosing the traditional matching wine, and of course the remaining committee members Shaun, Malcolm and Gabriel.

Below is a list of wines purchased during 2018 for the Wine-Cellar of the Ballarat Wine and Food Society

"Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life's most civilized pleasures." - Michael Broadbent

John Coco
March 15 2019

Winemaster's Report

Winemaster's Report 2019

It has been an absolute pleasure to serve as Wine Master on behalf of the society members in this, my first year in the position.

With the ability to select and serve from such a wonderful cellar list, my job is a joy. I applaud past Cellar Masters for their contribution and make special mention to John Coco for his mentoring and continued work in keeping our cellar up to a first class standing. Our cellar is stocked with the best wines this country can offer and includes a fantastic array of foreign wines that gives me the option to explore all manner of pairing. Our members can rest assured that the current cellar is stocked with wines that will carry us long into the future.

There has been some challenging cuisine served up under the direction of our Food Master Andrew Lewis, I have tried to make each evening memorable and still keep an element of fun and mystique to encourage as much discussion from the members as I can.

I am grateful to have the opportunity as Wine Master, the experience so far has improved my wine knowledge and I continue to learn from the collective experience from the membership. At each dinner I take away a wealth of information from the comments around the table.

With thanks to the hard work from our President Andrew Bradley and the rest of the Committee, our society will continue to prosper and provide for some memorable times ahead.


Anthony Singleton

“I can certainly see that you know your wine. Most of the guests who stay here wouldn’t know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret.”
― Basil Fawlty, “Fawlty Towers"

Presidents Report – 2018/2019

Wine and Food Society of Ballarat
Presidents Report – 2018/2019
Members of the Society
It has been an absolute pleasure to be your President for the past 10 months and I am delighted to submit the Presidents Report for the 2018/19 period.
As a Society we have enjoyed some fantastic fellowship and Dinners at establishments such as Catfish, Craig’s, Moon and Mountain, ArchView Café, Mitchell Harris and Mr Jones to name a few. In addition to these we were treated to a great night at ‘Chez Anglaise’ (thanks to Lydia and Shaun) with Peter Ford Catering and Gibson Wines showcasing their brilliant Reds.
In August 2018 the Society was delighted to recognise two of its long-standing members, Les Dickinson and Jim Patterson for their 50 years of association with the Wine and Food Society. Held at Craig’s Royal Hotel this special occasion was our way of recognising the input that they have both had to our Society and it was certainly a night to remember by all of those who attended. Who can forget those two beaming smiles as they received their medals?
I would particularly like to acknowledge the work carried out by our Secretary, Dean Stevens in not only researching the details for the 50thcelebration but also in organising the gifts and medals that went a long way to making the night the success it was.  
The Society was also happy to acknowledge the 50 years of the Nhill Wine and Food Society in October 2018 by way of a donation of Champagne for their memorable dinner which, for those of the Society who were there, did not think was ever going to finish. That said, it was great night and thank you to Malcolm Anderson for fostering that relationship.
On the Membership front we have welcomed a number of new members including our first female member in Adri Stickland. Thank you to those current members who have done the introductions as this will ensure our Society continues strongly into the future.  
No Dinner just happens as most of you are fully aware, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Andrew Lewis and Anthony Singleton, Food and Wine Master respectively for not only their time but also the effort that they put in to ensure that we enjoy great food and wine each month.
The Cellar continues to be curated by John Coco who has topped up our needs admirably during the year and I am sure we all look forward to critiquing his purchases in the years to come.
Our Treasurer, Shaun English has ensured that the Society continues to be in a satisfactory financial position despite some additional expenses during the year.
No Society just functions, and I take this opportunity to thank Gabriel Yanes and Malcolm Anderson who have also served on the committee during the year to ensure a smooth running of the Society.
Lastly, a thank you also to Bob House for his continued work on and upkeep of our blog.
The future of the Wine and Food Society of Ballarat looks healthy with increased membership and the continued support of its current members to the Dinners held during the year.
Thank you for the opportunity to be your President.
Andrew Bradley 
21stMarch 2019

Pyrenees Unearthed Wine + Food Festival

What?       Pyrenees Unearthed Wine + Food Festival

Where?     Avoca

When        April 6 2019


Cost?        $22 early bird


Plate Up Ballarat 2019

What?    Plate Up Ballarat second edition

When?   1-31 May 2019

Where?  You name it: Craig's, Mitchell Harris etc


Cost?     Depends

Kate Davis Director