Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Menu Dinner 836

Thursday 16th February 2023


Potato, Chorizo & Manchego Croqueta, Smoked Romesco

NV Philippe Fourrier Champagne Blanc de Noirs Brut

Courses Two & Three

18 Hour Cooked Lamb Belly, Mustard & Caper Sauce, Sauerkraut, Fried Sweatbreads

Pan Fried Potato & Goats Cheese Gnocchi, Victorian Asparagus, Fresh Peas, Baby Spinach, Roast Cherry Tomatoes, Parmesan Custard

2017 William Fèvre Chablis 1er Cru Vaillons 2016 Jean-Marc Brocard Chablis 1er Cru Butteaux

Course Four

Beef Neck Bourguignon, Roast Garlic Mash, Istra Pancetta, Local Mushrooms, Heirloom Carrots, Red Wine Jus

1999 d'Arenberg Shiraz The Dead Arm 2001 Wendouree Shiraz
2006 Penfolds Bin 389

Course Five

Bitter Orange & Cinnamon Tart, Poached Fruit Compote, Orange Sorbet

2016 Hollick Riesling "The Nectar"

Head Chef: Doug Kerr Food Master: Andrew Lewis Wine Master: Andrew Rowan

Annual Treasurer’s Report Financial Year Ending 30 June 2022

 Annual Treasurer’s Report Financial Year Ending 30 June 2022

·       The 2021/2022 financial year started with an opening balance of $14,152. The closing balance as 30 June 2022 was $12,306. 

·       The society Bank account remains with ANZ Bank the account keeping fees total $120 for the financial year. 


A treasurer prepared income and expenses summary statement for the last three financial years below.


YE 30/06/2020

YE 30/06/2021

YE 30/06/2022

Opening Balance Start Financial Year







VG Weekend Income














Total Income FY














Dinner Expenses







Wine Purchases







Bank Fees







Insurance & Memberships







VG Weekend Payments/ Expenses







Agricultural $ Pastoral Society







Closing Balance End Financial Year








·       The income collected for dinner and cellar fees total $19,332. The reduction on income compared to previous year ($28,561) is attributed to having hosted only eight dinners during the financial year compared to previous years hosting at least ten/ eleven dinners throughout the same period. Moreover, whilst we hosted dinners given number restrictions imposed by the state government the numbers of attending members reduced compared to previous years. 

·       We did not have dinner functions the months Sept 2021, January 2022, March 2022 and April 2022, due to restrictions due to COVID (Sept’21) and VG Weekend (March and April 2022).     

·       The expenses can be split as follows:

§  Dinner Expenses for the financial year accumulated to $18,059 (YE21 $17,510)

§  Wine Purchases for the financial year total $6,338 (YE21 $7,320.) 

§  Other expenses(Insurance and Memberships) remained in par with previous financial year.

§   The Victor Gibson Weekend all income and expenses have been recorded in financial year ending 30 June 2022, noting that there was a nominal profit of $3.00.

·       The reduction of income and the increase in dinner cost meant that cash reserves at the start of the financial year were used to meet cost for wine purchases and other expenses.

·       Finally, want to express my sincere appreciation to each of you for your support and the opportunity to serve you as treasurer for the last four years, it has been quite an interesting experience as it provided with insights on the amount of work that takes place behind the scenes throughout the year and specially during the VG Weekend. 


Gabriel Yanes Treasurer

Cellar Master's report


The Wine and Food Society of Ballarat Cellar is in fairly good shape, with 1350 bottles.

I am recommending an increase in the cellar fees this year.  They have not been increased for several years, and sourcing good wine, particularly imports, is becoming expensive.  Red and white burgundies, bordeaux, and top level Italian wines are more and more expensive, and the exchange rate (.65 Euro for one Australian dollar) is against us.  I recommend increasing to $600.

As regards our cellar, I have recently been happy to add some great Rutherglen fortified wines, some Italian whites, and some Margaret River cabernets.  I am looking to add breadth to the varieties represented, and to a lesser extent countries/areas.

In the near future, I plan to clear some orphan bottles by offering them to the membership (not having a complete contact list has been my stumbling block).  Please watch out for this, you may see something tempting.....

Please see the current cellar list (attached).


shaun english

Cellar List

Annual Minutes 2022

Wine and Food AGM  27th March 2022.  7.30pm


John Williams, Brian Hassett, Bob House, John Coco, Mario Cordioli, Andrew Rowan, Chris Alizi, Glen Sharp, Luigi Bazzani, Adri Stickland, (Guest: Dinah Toohey), John Nelson, Mike Sheedy, Gabriel Yanes, Paul Martino, Anthony Singleton, Shaun English, Andrew Bradley.


Dean Stevens, Malcolm Anderson, Roger Permezel, Andrew Lewis.

The minutes from the 2021 AGM have been distributed. Anthony moved the minutes be excepted.   Seconded – John Coco.

Note the receiving of the committee reports as posted on the website.

Anthony thanked the 2021 Committee and presented a brief Presidents report. 

The Treasure Gabriel Yanes put to the meeting his Cellar and Dinner fees recommendation. Cellar Fees to remain at $500 per annum. Dinner Fees to remain at $150 per Member and $120 per Guest.   Seconded – Bob House.

The Treasure Gabriel Yanes nominated an Auditor for 2022 ( Sharpe Accountants).  Seconded – Andrew Bradley.

In the absence of Secretary Dean Stevens, Anthony Singleton conducted the election in accordance with the Society’s rules of Association.

All Positions were declared vacant.

1 nomination received for President.  Paul Martino.  Accepted. 

1 nomination received for Secretary.  Dean Stevens.  Accepted. 

1 nomination received for Cellar Master.  Shaun English.  Accepted. 

1 nomination received for Treasurer.  Gabriel Yanes.  Accepted. 

1 nomination received for Wine Master.  Andrew Rowan.  Accepted. 

1 nomination received for Food Master.  Andrew Lewis.  Accepted. 

2 nominations for Committee. Anthony Singleton & Andrew Bradley.  Accepted.

Paul Martino took the chair, Thanked outgoing President Anthony Singleton and the Committee.


There was no new Business, so meeting was closed at 7.40pm




President's Report


Dear Members,

Firstly a big thank you to you all for being gentle to a first-time Ballarat Wine & Food Society President. The job has been made that much easier having a wonderful Committee to support me along the way. I would like to particularly thank Anthony Singleton for stepping in for me on those occasions I have been unable to join you all. Anthony had a pretty busy two years in the role with both the hosting of the Victor Gibson Weekend and having to navigate dinners during a worldwide pandemic. 

I would also like to thank outgoing Committee members Andrew Lewis and Gabe Yanes.  Andrew is stepping down as Food Master and his Committee role to have a long holiday while Gabe will step down as Treasurer and from the Committee while he spends time overseas with his family.  Thank you both for all your work over the years! Thanks also to Dean Stevens (Secretary), Andrew Rohan (Wine Master), Andrew Bradley and Shaun English (Cellar Master) as our Committee.

We lost a Life Member of our society over the past year in Les Dickinson. We had a wonderful send off for Les at the Provincial Hotel. Trudi and Julianna represented the family and shared wonderful stories of Les. Trudi contributed wines from their family cellar to help us celebrate the life of Leslie Patrick Dickinson the Second. 

2023 looks like being a great year for our Society. There has been an influx of new restaurants that will help our incoming food master. This, together with Shaun English' tantalizing cellar buys over the past year, I am sure members will benefit greatly for years to come with an influx of wines from Italy, Spain and the home of terra rossa - the Coonawarra.


Paul Martino