Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


August Dinner 715

Invitation to the August Dinner

Members are advised that the 715th meeting
will be on

Thursday August 18th
Western Hotel
1121 Sturt St
A new Venue! Chef Dan Cronin (ex Sov. Hill)
At 7.00pm

Food Master: Dean Stevens
Wine Master: Phil Dover
Guests are most welcome
Electronic banking via account:
ANZ BSB 013 520 ACCOUNT 008699266 is recommended.
Cost $120 per person
Reply to Dean
RSVP Sunday August 14th

Dinner 714 Bastille Ladies' Night

714th Dinner – 16th July 2011
Ladies Evening


President: Robert Campbell
Scallop ceviche, pear remoulade and micro herbs

Grilled Tasmanian oyster with Hollandaise sauce
Pierre Peters Blanc de Blanc NV
Duck and King Brown Mushroom Pithivier
Spiced red cabbage, celeriac puree and sauce poivrade

Dominique Laurent Bougogne Passetoutgrain 2002
Chorey Les Beaune 2002


“Wild Boar Daube”
Slow cooked wild boar in red wine Chestnut and white polenta, confit baby onion lardons and wilted baby spinach

Chateau L'Evangile 1982
Chateau Beychevelle 1985

Grand Marnier Crème Caramel
Orange segment
Chateau Haut Bergeron2001

Chef: Phillipe Desrettes
Food Master: Bob House
Winemaster Phil Dover