Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Cellar Master's Report

Cellarmaster’s Annual Report for 2012

At the end of my third year as your Cellarmaster I profess to have enjoyed myself immensely – spending other people’s money on good wine!
My task at the start of my tenure was to “modernise the Cellar which contained too many unloved bottles – mostly old Aussie reds – nothing wrong with that except we were getting further and further behind drinking them!
The trick was to flog off the unloveds to the Members – who bought them all at bargain prices and used the proceeds to purchase new stock – and overall – to reduce our total stock to manageable proportions.
We have increased our stock of outstanding imports – Bordeaux’s, Burgundies and Barolos to mention a few and the world has been blessed with some of the best vintages in recent memory – not to forget the strong $A!
So for the figures for 2012:
Purchases: 199 Bottles for $11,122 at an average of $56 each
Auctioned: 138 Bottles for $ 4,968
Used at Dinners: 162 Bottles – therefore a net reduction of 101 Bottles
End Result: We have a Cellar Stock of 1530 Bottles worth around $98,000 at an average value of approx. $64 each.
So – as someone said – ‘Less is more’?

Thanks, Jim Patterson