Ballarat Wine and Food Society
2012 Presidents Report
The 2012 year has been a great success for the Ballarat Society. Attendances have been averaging about 75%- 80% of the membership attending most dinners.
The Society has enjoyed the enthusiasm and passion of New Wine and Food Masters who have stamped their unique style and taste on the dinners.
Well done John and Mal and thank-you for continuing on with your good work.
As we all know we have relocated to a new cellar thanks to the generosity of Les. The working bee to relocate was a great day as many hands made for light work and not a drop was spilt. We even added to the cellar list with wines we didn’t even know we had.
As we all know we have relocated to a new cellar thanks to the generosity of Les. The working bee to relocate was a great day as many hands made for light work and not a drop was spilt. We even added to the cellar list with wines we didn’t even know we had.
Special mention to John Coco who under took the lion’s share of the preparation of the move.
Cellar master Jim has worked hard to rationalize our list and has made some fantastic purchases for us to enjoy.
Cellar master Jim has worked hard to rationalize our list and has made some fantastic purchases for us to enjoy.
Jim informs me he has plenty more he wishes to procure as the strong AUD$ gives up some great opportunity to purchase out of Europe.
Our Treasurer Phil has balanced the books again and goes about his business with a minimum of fuss.
Well done to Bob for his role of Secretary to our Society. The blog has been a great way to share information and keep us well amused. Bob has been the driving force behind the committee and I thank him for his council and support.
Past President Rob is stepping off the committee this year after many years of great service. Many thanks Rob and I hope we still see plenty of you at the dinners this year.
Our Treasurer Phil has balanced the books again and goes about his business with a minimum of fuss.
Well done to Bob for his role of Secretary to our Society. The blog has been a great way to share information and keep us well amused. Bob has been the driving force behind the committee and I thank him for his council and support.
Past President Rob is stepping off the committee this year after many years of great service. Many thanks Rob and I hope we still see plenty of you at the dinners this year.
We would like to welcome Shaun in as his replacement to join Stewart to make up the rest of the committee.
In closing I would like thank you all for your support in my first term and look forward to sharing some great wine and food again this year.
In closing I would like thank you all for your support in my first term and look forward to sharing some great wine and food again this year.
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