Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Cellar List February 2016

Minutes AGM 2016

Venue Ballarat Lodge
Date Thursday February 18th 2016

Minutes 2015 Accepted p. S English s. J Coco
Apologies R Campbell D Murphy W Spring
Correspondence none
President ; (see Blog site) accepted
Treasurer; (see Blog site) accepted
Cellar Master; (see Blog site) accepted
Food Master; (see Blog site) accepted
Audit Statement bal $2420.92 on blog accepted p P Dover s A Bradley
Wine Master; (see Blog site) accepted
President; Malcolm Anderson s Bob House
Secretary; Dean Stevens s Bob House
Treasurer; Phil Dover s Bob House
Cellar Master; John Coco s Bob House
Food Master; Andrew Lewis s Bob House
Wine Master; Andrew Bradley s Bob House
Committee J Paterson S English s B House
All elected unopposed

Appointment Auditor Re appointed J Twomey p P Dover s A Bradley accepted

Any Other Business
A Lewis; Dinner acceptances to be by return email. Automatics list to be abolished
S English, Need more members. W McKnight, members to be contacted when numbers low to find guests to supplement.
S English, Fees too low, suggest Annual sub $350, Dinner Fee $140 Guest Fee $80
p. S English s. P Dover accepted

Menu Dinner 764

Auditor's Report 2015

Food master's Report 2015

In light of the upcoming AGM I would like to report that my first year in the job was a sensational success in my view, others may have another view.
We touched base with a few old regular haunts including Craig's Royal Hotel, Sovereign Hill, Kambei and Campagna's where Pete Ford stepped up to the mark as usual but we also made an effort to explore some newer venues including the recently refurbished provincial and the relocated Zaragoza's in Sturt Street.

Numbers were consistent at circa 18 and whilst this is on the low side of what works it was not too much of a problem, one issue that would be good to address is the RSVPs by various members, they come via phone calls, emails and text messages. It would be great to see each months invite go out as an ecom invite and thus numbers can be tracked much more easily, this would require all members to RSVP including the automatics.
This year look exciting and as a more seasoned campaigner I have made up a bit of a programme.

Already I have a bit of a plan for the year ahead with plans for dinner in March we would like to have a Sunday lunch and I am happy to have it at my house and suggest Sunday 20th. In addition we would like to have a formal black tie mixed dinner on a Saturday night at Craig's but ask that everyone get behind this one asap as it has been a difficult dinner to fill over the years, I am suggesting Saturday 18th June. In the meantime we all thought it would be good to support Carboni's and suggest Aprils dinner there with Mays dinner at the new Spanish restaurant Meigas in Armstrong street North.
That is the only plans I have to date but stay tuned and I will continue to explore the ever changing food climate in and around Ballarat

Andrew Lewis

President's Report 2015

Presidents Report

This is my second report as president.  Again, I have to thank all for their support, and to commend all office bearers on their good work.  The camaraderie and good will that is evident is certain to ensure Ballarat Wine and Food Society has a bright future.

In the past year we have welcomed two new members.  I believe we should be actively trying to add even more in the coming years.  Our Food Masters have found that finding venues to cater for the smaller numbers that periodically occur is becoming more difficult.  A larger membership base will, hopefully, avoid this, and allow us to continue to enjoy fine wine and food.  I look forward to a robust discussion regarding the optimal number, and strategies to achieve this.

Finally, I would like to congratulate all new office bearers, and ask all to support them.

Shaun English
El Presidente