Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Suspension of Dinners and social events

      Regretfully due to the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, in particular the closure of venues, the limitations on gatherings and social distancing, the committee has decided to suspend all future Dinners for the next three months.
     The decision was not taken lightly, and via correspondence the committee have agreed to hold off any dinners for the months of April, May and June. We will reconsider any further action in June.
     The Committee will continue to communicate and report any further developments back to the Membership.
     We thank you for your understanding during this unprecedented time.
    Our members are in the demographic most at risk of major disease, everyone should be aware of and practice social separation. Self isolation where possible, is a good strategy, stay safe and well.

Menu Dinner 809

Wine & Food Society of Ballarat
Dinner 809
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 19th March 2020
Spinach & Fontina Arancini
Potato Blini-Whipped Cod- Bottarga
NV – Louis Armand 1er Cru - Champagne
Ballotine of Ora King Salmon- Yarra Valley caviar- leek
2015 – Tomboy Hill Clementine’s Picking - Chardonnay
2016 – Bindi Kostas Rind - Chardonnay


Fillet of Southern Ranges Beef- Boulangère potato, carrots, watercress Puree
1998 – Wynns Michael - Shiraz
2000 – Birks Wendouree Clare - Shiraz
2004 – Penfolds RWT Barossa - Shiraz

Black Forest Gateau

1996 – Chateau Reynella – Vintage Port

Food Master: Andrew Lewis
Wine Master: Anthony Singleton
Head Chef: Scott Alsop

Treasurer Annual Report

Special for Gab, this says "4 years jail for the Treasurer"
my report

The 2018/2019 financial year commenced with an opening balance of $3,181. The closing balance as 30 June 2019 was $2,803. The society Bank account remains with ANZ Bank the account keeping fees total $144 for the financial year. I would like to thank Shaun English for his support and help as outgoing treasurer, the financial accounts are being audited by Sharp Accounting (Glen Sharp) and will be loaded up online on the Society Website once completed.

It is recommended that cellar fees remain at $500 p.a. Dinner Fees at $150 per dinner for Members and $130 for guest.  

The income collected for dinner and cellar fees total $40,084. 
The expenses can be split as follows:
Dinner Expenses represent 57% of total income ($22,815.)
Wine Purchases represent 40% of total Income ($15,887.) 
Other expenses represent 3% of total income.

A treasurer prepared income and expenses summary statement is attached below.

Opening Balance 01/07/2018 $3181 
Total Income $40,084 
Dinner Expenses $22,815
Wine Purchases $15,887
Bank Fees $144
Insurance & Memberships $873
Wine Boxes & Glasses $477
The Courier  $127 
Printing $139 
Closing Balance 30/06/2019 $2,803

Cellar Master Annual Report

If only

my report
Ballarat Wine and Food Society’s Cellarmaster Report for 2019

My tenure as cellar-master is coming to an end.
During this time my knowledge of wine has increased quite substantially and as we know a little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

After 5 years of maintaining the Society’s wine-cellar I thought that it now needed someone else to nurture it along.
Looking at the contents of our cellar I see some ripper wines there and I hope that members attending future dinners appreciate the wines that I have bought, both, for the cellar and for them.

In 2019 we consumed 226 bottles, 4 less than last year.
We purchased 204 bottles of wine at a cost of $13,584 with an average cost of $66.59 per bottle. We purchased only 2 bottles less than the previous year.
There is presently1378 bottles in the cellar with a purchase value of $101,721 this averages to approx $73.81 a bottle. Last year we had 1456 bottles with a purchase value of $101.966, this is in line with our decision to stock fewer bottles but of better quality!

I wish to thank my fellow committee members for their support during the year and to wish the incoming CellarMaster; ‘Happy hunting for the bargains’

John Coco 12th march 2020

I can certainly see that you know your wine. Most of the guests who stay here wouldn’t know the difference between Bordeaux and Claret.”
― Basil Fawlty, “Fawlty Towers”

Purchases in 2019

Tomboy Hill 'The Tomboy' Chardonnay
Arras Grand Vintage
Ar Pe Pe Inferno Fiamme Antiche  Nebbiolo
Raymond Lafon 375ml  Sauterne
Castro Martin Family Estate Albarino
Taylors LBV Port
Taylors Vintage Port
Fonseca Vintage Port
Podere Poggio Scalette Il Carbonaione
Tomboy Hill Jude's Picking Chardonnay
Tomboy Hill Jude's Picking Pinot Noir
Jean Luc Mader Riesling Rosacker Gr Cru
Foradori Teroldego
Callejuella  Blanco de Hornillos  Palamino Fino
Paradise IV ‘Dardell’ Shiraz
Paradise IV ‘Dardell’ Chardonnay
Tyrrells Vat 1 Semillon
Ch. Marquis D’Alesme 3eme Margaux
Ch Suduiraut  375mls
Ch Pavie Macquin St Emillon
Billecart-Salmon Brut
Navazos PX Gran Solera 25YO
Giaconda Estate Shiraz
Amaranta Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 
Dom Cecile Chassagne Gigondas Rhone GSM
Dom R Chevillon NSG Les Chaignotts 1er cru
Dom Jean Grivot Bourgogne Blanc
Tyrrells  Hunter Semillon
Royal Tokaji 5 Puttonyos ASZU
Heathcote Estate Shiraz
Handpicked Collection Tasmania Pinot Noir
Handpicked Collection Mornington Pinot Noir
FontanaFredda Briccotondo Langhe Arneis
Fuligni Brunello Di Montalcino
Tomboy Hill 'The Tomboy'


President BWFS annual report

My Report

Wine and Food Society of Ballarat
Presidents Report – 2019/2020
Members of the Society,
It has been an absolute pleasure to be your President for the past year and I am delighted to submit the Presidents Report for the 2019/20 period.
As a Society we have enjoyed some fantastic fellowship and Dinners at establishments such as Craig’s, Carbonis, Table 48, Tokyo Grill House, Mitchell Harris, The Shared Table and Dyers Steak Stable to name a few. In addition to these we were treated to a great night at ‘Novar’(thanks to Shaun English) with Peter Ford Catering and also enjoyed the fellowship of the Beefsteak and Burgundy Club at a combined Dinner at Lola.
The Society also celebrated its 800th Dinner in May 2019 with a strong turnout, including partners at Craigs and we were delighted to welcome several FFWSA members for the evening. 
Sadly, on the 30th April 2019 we lost one of our long-standing members in Jim Patterson. We remember Jim with great fondness and again acknowledge his commitment and contribution to the Society.
We also received a notice of resignation from the Society from Tony Campana in February 2020. Tony as you will all know has been a long-standing member and I would like to acknowledge his generosity and contribution to the ongoing success of the Society.
On the Membership front we have welcomed a number of new members and thank those current members who have done the introductions as this will ensure our Society continues strongly into the future.  
No Dinner just happens as most of you are fully aware, so I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Andrew Lewis and Anthony Singleton, Food and Wine Master respectively for not only their time but also the effort that they put in to ensure that we enjoy great food and wine each month.
The Cellar continues to be curated by John Coco who has topped up our needs admirably during the year and I am sure we all look forward to critiquing his purchases in the years to come.
Our Treasurer, Gabriel Yanes has ensured that the Society continues to be in a satisfactory financial position.
Dean Stevens, our Secretary has done an outstanding job in keeping us up to date with information and providing a lot of the context on the Society from the past.
No Society just functions, and I take this opportunity to also thank Malcolm Anderson and Shaun English who have served on the committee during the year to ensure a smooth running of the Society.
Lastly, a thank you also to Bob House for his continued work on and upkeep of our blog.
The future of the Wine and Food Society of Ballarat looks healthy with new members as well as the continued support of its current members to the Dinners held during the year.
Thank you for the opportunity to be your President.
Andrew Bradley 
12th March 2020

Wine Master Annual Report

my annual report 

I said it last year and I’ll say it again, it has been an absolute pleasure to serve as Wine Master on behalf of the society members.

This year I move aside from the position hoping that the membership have enjoyed how their wines have been served up to them over the past two years.

We have enjoyed many memorable special occasions during my time, such as the honouring of Mr Les Dickenson and Mr Jim Patterson on their combined 50th year Dinner and also the 800th Dinner celebration, just to name a couple. These occasions allowed me to showcase the depth of our wonderful cellar and I hope you have enjoyed.  I again give praise to past Cellar Masters for their contribution and make special mention to John Coco for his continued work in keeping our cellar up to a first class standing.

Our Food Master Andrew Lewis continued to delight us with interesting venues and interesting menus for which I hope I did justice with the wine matching.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity as Wine Master, the experience has improved my wine knowledge thanks to the round table conversations and the vast knowledge of the members.

With thanks to the hard work from our President Andrew Bradley and the rest of the Committee, our society will continue to prosper and provide for some memorable times ahead.


"Spilling your glass of wine is the adult equivalent of letting go a balloon."