Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


President’s Report to AGM, Wine and Food Society of Ballarat

It is my pleasure as President of the Society, to present the Annual Report at this year’s AGM.
Despite our Society’s relatively small number of members, we continue to enjoy the benefits of a Cellar, laid down over many years by current and past-Cellar Masters. This enables us to enjoy our monthly dinners at the various establishments in Ballarat, accompanied by wines that few of us would be able to otherwise enjoy on a regular basis.
Over the past 12 months we have visited 8 different restaurants, and included some new venues for the first time. I am sure many of you will recall our May dinner at Heritage on Lydiard and the subsequent decision to hold our mid-year Ladies function at the same venue, which was a tremendous success.
We also sampled Harry Lime’s for the first time and enjoyed a most enterprising and enjoyable evening at Tony Campana’s Stockade Cellars with Peter Ford as our chef for the evening. The decision to invite a local winemaker, Ian Watson, to our October dinner at Sovereign Hill also proved very successful. The final evening of the year was our Ladies function at an old favourite, Craig’s Hotel, and this again did not disappoint.
Whilst we have enjoyed reasonable attendance at most of our functions, your Committee has struggled to find ways of involving new and younger members, which remains a concern for the future of our Society. I am sure the incoming Committee will welcome any input from members on this issue. The outgoing Committee has also suggested that it is time for newer blood on the Committee itself. The fear of joining a very social Committee such as this is misplaced. We meet the week before most Society dinners, and generally have a relaxed, pleasant evening at a member’s home with a glass or two of wine and food which can vary from casual, buffet-style to a more formal dinner at the host’s pleasure and absolutely no pressure. This is your Society and you must take charge of the Committee and the functioning of your Society.
I have been pleased to enjoy the support of a great Cellar Master in John Nelson, exciting and innovative Wine and Food Masters in Phil Dover and Dennis Chamberlain, with the precise and exacting support of Rob Campbell as Secretary and Jim Patterson as Treasurer, ably supported by Ross Wilkie and Bob House.
I am hopeful therefore that the incoming President will also have a great Committee to manage the Society in 2010, particularly as we are soon to hold our 700th dinner!

Paul J H Hemming