Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Menu Diner 731

731st Dinner – February 21, 2013
Annual General Meeting
Craig’s Royal Hotel
Lydiard Street, Ballaarat
President: Dean Stevens 
Crab meat, sweetcorn, almond gazpacho
Kangaroo loin, cauliflower puree, onion ring
2004 Arras Grand Vintage
Beetroot and vodka cured ocean trout, chevre, radish and micro herbs
1998 Tomboy Hill Chardonnay
2002 Jim Barry Florita Watervale Riesling
Confit duck leg
roasted pumpkin puree, toasted hazelnut 
asparagus and cherry sauce
2008 Tibooburra Solitude Pinot Noir
Braised beef short rib
 silverbeet and potato hash cake 
lemon, shallots and parsley sauce
1998 Bests Concongella Cabernet Sauvignon
1997 Summerfield Shiraz
Petit fours
Cockburns Very Fine Old Port
Coffee or Tea
Chef: Philipe Desrettes 
Food Master: John Coco
Winemaster: Mal Anderson

Matching Food and Wine

            Wine Pairing Chart

                Wine Pairing Chart infographic by madelinep.


Cellar Master's Report

Cellarmaster’s Annual Report for 2012

At the end of my third year as your Cellarmaster I profess to have enjoyed myself immensely – spending other people’s money on good wine!
My task at the start of my tenure was to “modernise the Cellar which contained too many unloved bottles – mostly old Aussie reds – nothing wrong with that except we were getting further and further behind drinking them!
The trick was to flog off the unloveds to the Members – who bought them all at bargain prices and used the proceeds to purchase new stock – and overall – to reduce our total stock to manageable proportions.
We have increased our stock of outstanding imports – Bordeaux’s, Burgundies and Barolos to mention a few and the world has been blessed with some of the best vintages in recent memory – not to forget the strong $A!
So for the figures for 2012:
Purchases: 199 Bottles for $11,122 at an average of $56 each
Auctioned: 138 Bottles for $ 4,968
Used at Dinners: 162 Bottles – therefore a net reduction of 101 Bottles
End Result: We have a Cellar Stock of 1530 Bottles worth around $98,000 at an average value of approx. $64 each.
So – as someone said – ‘Less is more’?

Thanks, Jim Patterson

President's Report

Ballarat Wine and Food Society

2012 Presidents Report

The 2012 year has been a great success for the Ballarat Society. Attendances have been averaging about 75%- 80% of the membership attending most dinners. 
The Society has enjoyed the enthusiasm and passion of New Wine and Food Masters who have stamped their unique style and taste on the dinners. 
Well done John and Mal and thank-you for continuing on with your good work.
As we all know we have relocated to a new cellar thanks to the generosity of Les. The working bee to relocate was a great day as many hands made for light work and not a drop was spilt. We even added to the cellar list with wines we didn’t even know we had.
Special mention to John Coco who under took the lion’s share of the preparation of the move.
Cellar master Jim has worked hard to rationalize our list and has made some fantastic purchases for us to enjoy.
Jim informs me he has plenty more he wishes to procure as the strong AUD$ gives up some great opportunity to purchase out of Europe.
Our Treasurer Phil has balanced the books again and goes about his business with a minimum of fuss.
Well done to Bob for his role of Secretary to our Society. The blog has been a great way to share information and keep us well amused. Bob has been the driving force behind the committee and I thank him for his council and support.
Past President Rob is stepping off the committee this year after many years of great service. Many thanks Rob and I hope we still see plenty of you at the dinners this year.
We would like to welcome Shaun in as his replacement to join Stewart to make up the rest of the committee.
In closing I would like thank you all for your support in my first term and look forward to sharing some great wine and food again this year.

2012 Treasurer's Report

Thank you for the opportunity to be Treasurer of this society for the past year
We are currently solvent and at the end of 2012 there was $2614 in the bank
We were able to auction surplus wine from the cellar to our members for $6137 which helped Jim Patterson buying $15022 worth of wine for the cellar
Cellar fees  of $6150 and dinner fees of $24970 have adequately covered our costs and I recommend we keep our fees unchanged for 2013  The Society is currently being audited by Mr John Twomey
Phil Dover

February AGM Dinner 731



Invitation to the February Dinner & AGM

Members are advised that the  730th meeting,
will be on
Thursday February 21st At
Craig's Hotel
Lydiard St Nth
At  7.00pm
Food Master: John Coco
Wine Master: Mal Anderson 
Dress Business smart
Guests are most welcome
Electronic banking via account:
ANZ BSB 013 520 ACCOUNT 008699266 
is recommended.
Cost $130 per person
Reply to Bob House
RSVP Monday February 18th