Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


From Ian Home's Eulogy; "Life Cycle"

 This poem, read at Ian Home's memorial is very apt for us all.

Life Cycle

When you cart me to the graveyard, 
Plant a vine upon my breast. 
I shall know my alcoholic heart 
By its tendril roots caressed. 

I shall feel my mortal substance 
Back to wine transmogrified 
And shall thrill to taste its branches 
Drawing up the rising tide. 

When you tread the ripened bunches 
And the festive cup goes round, 
Pour a little of that vintage 
Back upon the thirsty ground. 

As I pay my debt to nature, 
Mingling once more among men, 
This shall be my consummation 
And my hope to rise again.

AD Hope

My favourite AD Hope poem
"Paper Tiger"