Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Wine Purchases 2017

Minutes AGM 2018

Craig’s Hotel, Lydiard St. Ballarat.    17thMay 2018
Present; Malcolm Anderson, Andrew Bradley, Luigi Bazzani, Tony Campana, Rob Campbell,
John Coco, Mario Cordioli, Les Dickinson, Sean English, Brian Hassett, Bob House, John Nelson,
Anthony Singleton, Mike Sheedy, John Stickland, John Williams, Gabrial Yanes.
Meeting Convened @ 19.35

Apologies: Phil Dover, Andrew Lewis, Adrian Matherson, Degan Murphy, Jim Paterson,
Andrew Rowan, Wayne Spring, Dean Stevens.

Minutes of the 2017 AGM was tabled and accepted as correct.
Approved A. Bradley Seconded B. House 

Correspondance: Nil presented.

Reports: As posted on the Blog-site.
The Cellar-Master made a correction to the Total value of the Society’s Cellar after realizing an error in the totals column.
The Treasurer mentioned that the books were still to be audited, the delay due to finalizing amounts owed and due.
Moved M.Anderson, Seconded J.Coco, Motion Carried.
The outgoing President thanked all concerned for their help throughout his term as president.

All Postions declared vacant and Bob House takes the Chair.

Election of Committee : Single nominations for all positions vacant:
President - Andrew Bradley, Secretary - Dean Stevens, Treasurer - Sean English,
Cellar-Master - John Coco, Wine-Master - Anthony Singleton, Food-Master - Andrew Lewis.
Committee Members – Mal Anderson and Gabriel Yanes.   No objections and carried by all.

A motion to increase both the Yearly Cellar Fee and the Monthly Dinner Fee was raised by the Treasurer, so as to cover the increase in the price of wines and the higher price of meals.
After much discussion by various members it was settled on raising the Annual fee from $340 to $450 and the Monthly Dinner fee from $140 to $150.
Moved B. Hassett Seconded J. Coco, carried.

A motion to keep the Guest Dinner fee to remain the same at $100, and that any new members who joined after the AGM would only need to pay a pro-rata rate of the annual Cellar Fee.
Moved S. English, Seconded M. Anderson, carried.

A point was raised concerning the possibility of changing the Dinner Night from a Thursday to a Tuesday, Tuesday is generally a quieter night and the Society may get better value from the venues!
Not voted on.

A discussion was held on how to attract new members and how to increase numbers of members at some of the monthly dinners, no conclusive outcome. To continue.

The Treasurer ask that when members transferred money into the Society’s bank acc. To please avoid grouping multiple payments and to clearly identify what the money is for.

Meeting Concluded @21.40

Menu Dinner 789

Wine & Food Society of Ballarat
Dinner 789
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 17th May 2018
Cheese Gougeres
Smoked Salmon on Potato Blinis, Horseradish and Salmon Pearls
Krug Grand Cuvee
2012 Eminence The Assembly
Lightly cured King Fish, Cultured Cream, Pickled Fennel and Yarra Valley Caviar
2005 Tyrrells Vat 1 Hunter Semillon
2009 Pooles Rock Semillon

Hopkins River Porterhouse marinated in Blue Cheese, textures of Onion and Potato Gratin
2002 Penfolds St Henri
2009 Chateau Branaire Ducru Bordeaux
2005 Chateau Giscours Margaux

Apple Cider and Calvados Trifle
1990 De Bortoli Noble One
Food Master: Andrew Lewis
Wine Master: Andrew Bradley
Head Chef: Shannon Easton
Consulting Chef: Ian Curley

President's Report 2017

Members of the Society,

It has again been my pleasure to be your President for the past 16 months.

This year our Annual General Meeting is being held at a cooler time of the year and you will recall that the Constitution of the society was changed at a Special General Meeting to allow for the timing of the Society’s AGM to be moved to later in the year. This brings us into line with the FWFSA calendar year, as well as allowing us to hold it at a time when all are back from the Christmas break and therefore it should be somewhat easier for all statutory requirements to be completed and the dinner to be organised.

I would like to thank all the members of the Committee for their assistance and contribution to the running of our Society over the past year, ensuring that it continues to function and flourish.
I think you would agree that over the year, our Foodmaster Andrew Lewis, in his inimitable style,  has again taken us on an interesting and varied culinary journey, to many different venues, including dining at private homes, sampling the private cellars of Shaun English and John Nelson, as well as having a number of different chefs, including a memorable dinner presented by Surprise Guest Chef, Maria Campbell.

All dinners have been accompanied by excellent selections of wines chosen, on most occasions, by Winemaster Andrew Bailey who I’m sure has enjoyed the opportunity to delve into the Society’s extremely well stocked Cellar to select and match wines for our enjoyment. 
I would like to acknowledge the other Committee and Society members who have been stand-in Wine and Food masters when required throughout the year. 

The Cellar itself is most ably maintained and nurtured by Cellarmaster John Coco. John’s report has been tabled, and it is clear that the Cellar, having been built up over many years is a remarkable and valuable asset of the Society - it would be a rare occasion that a suitable wine to be matched with a meal could not be found from within its shelves.

Shaun English, after some not insignificant internet and banking challenges, has mastered the Treasury, and we look forward to receiving his report to show that the Society is a satisfactory financial position, whilst Secretary Dean has kept the paperwork up to date and the information flowing. 

Thanks also to the other Committee Members, Anthony Singleton and Gabriel Yanes who have eagerly contributed to the running of our Society.

I would like to make special note of several special events during the year. It was our turn to host the Combined Wine & Food Society and Beef & Burgundy Club Dinner in May 2017, and we look forward to future committees continuing this tradition. 

A number of our members attended part or all of the biennial FWFSA Victor Gibson Dinner and Weekend, hosted in 2017 by the Wine & Food Society of Ararat, a society we sponsored 62 years ago. and those who did would agree that their Society did an exceptional job in presenting a very enjoyable weekend. A highlight was the VG Dinner held in the Drives at Great Western Cellars.

This year I had intended attending and representing our Society at the Federation’s Convention held in Geelong just over 3 weeks ago but circumstances prevented me from doing so. I had earlier accepted nomination, and in my absence, was elected to the Committee of the FWFSA - is the motto of this story to not miss meetings? However, I do look forward to representing our Society, and the interests of Wine & Food Societies in general during my time on the committee.

Thank you again for the opportunity to be your President, and I wish the new Committee well for the year ahead,

Malcolm Anderson
May 2018

Minutes Special Meeting

Special General Meeting- 19 October 2017

Attendees : R. Campbell, A. Lewis, G .Yanes, A.Singleton, A. Bradley, M.Anderson, J. Nelson, P.Dover, J. Paterson, J. Coco, D.Stevens, M. Cordioli,L. Dickinson, J. Williams, B. Hassett, M. Sheedy, R. House, S. English.

Chairman Mal Anderson declared the meeting open. As only one item of business had been declared he called on the proposer of the motion (Dean Stevens) to put it to the meeting.

The motion “An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held on such a day between the 1stof April and 31stof May in each year as shall be fixed by the Committee”.

Dean Stevens confirmed he had received written support in excess of the 10 members required in the Constitution and Rules.

The motion was seconded by Shaun English and passed with a show of hands.

President Mal Anderson then closed the meeting. 8.30 pm.

Minutes AGM 2017

The Wine and Food Society of Ballarat
Minutes - Annual General Meeting
February 16, 2017,
At Craig’s Royal Hotel,
Lydiard Street, Ballaarat
Present: Andrew Bradley, Mal Anderson, Tony Campana, Rod Campbell, John Nelson, John Coco, Jim Paterson, Mario Cordioli, Les Dickinson, Mike Sheedy, Phil Dover, Anthony Singleton, Shaun English, Bob House, Brian Hassett, John Williams, Andrew Lewis, Gabriel Yanes, Adrian Matherson
Apologies: Luigi Bazzani, Ross Wilkie, Wayne Spring, John Stickland, Degen Murphy, Andrew Rowan
Minutes of AGM 2016: Approved Andrew Bradley, Seconded Anthony Singleton
Correspondence: Nil
Report as presented on the blog site: All accepted
All positions then declared vacant and Bob House took the Chair
Election of Committee and Office Bearers: Single candidates for each position and all approved by acclamation:
President - Mal Anderson; Secretary – Dean Stevens; Treasurer – Shaun English; Cellar Master – John Coco; Food Master – Andrew Lewis; Wine Master – Andrew Bradley; Committee Members – Anthony Singleton and Gabriel Yanes
Fees and Membership Dues: Treasurer Phil proposed Dinner Fee and Cellar Fees remain at $140.00 and $340.00 respectively. Seconded John Coco. 
Appointment of Auditor:Proposed Phil Dover, Seconded John Coco that auditor J. Twomey be re-appointed. Motion approved by acclamation
There being no further business for the AGM, meeting closed at 8.20pm
Addendum: Dean Stevens raised the matter of a proposed change of the timing of the Annual General Meeting and it was agreed that this issue would be discussed over the following months, and a Special General Meeting be called to discuss and vote on this later in the year

Treasurer's Report 2017

Treasurer’s report 2017

We are in a reasonable financial position, with Food and Cellar Masters who are fiscally responsible.  For 2017, we received from members (and a bank refund!!) sums totaling $31409.25. We are owed small sums by a couple of members (whose contact details I do not have), that do not have a major bearing on the overall picture, and I am sure they will take care of these amounts as soon as I can contact them.
Our expenses were $31478.25 (see below).
Based on these figures, and noting that our cellar master has continued the pattern of building a high quality cellar, I am recommending a small increase in annual subs, to $400-$450.  Additionally, Andrew Lewis has remarked on numerous occasions that it is getting harder to find venues to take us for the numbers/income we bring.  I suggest we consider increasing the dinner fees to $150, and $120 for guests.
BWFS Expenses 2017
Account servicing fees 12 @ $12 each = $144
Wine purchases = $13185.52
Dinner costs = $14461.85
Insurance = $397.90
Costs incurred but not paid in 2017
-      Federal Society Dues = $357 (Paid by Dean Stevens, reimbursed 9/5/2018)
-      Mitchell Harris Dinner = $2000. (Paid from personal account by Shaun English, reimbursed 9/5/2018)
Cellar fees/dinner fees/ refunds = $31409.25

Wine Master's Report 2017

Once again it has been an honour and a privilege to hold the position of Wine Master on behalf of the members of the society for the past year.
Throughout the year I have selected some wines that hopefully have tested your palette and pushed the boundaries a little in terms of matching them with the food of the evening but most importantly I hope you have enjoyed them. 
The most satisfying part of the Wine Masters role for me is the robust discussion around the table about a particular wine or bracket of wines that I have selected. Of course, not everyone enjoys every wine that has been served during the night, but I trust I have had more hits than misses.
However not every selection or bottle that has been opened has worked out exactly as planned but those times have added to my knowledge and experience and for that I am grateful. 
Working with such a fantastic cellar that is beautifully balanced with a mix of the best Australian and (mainly) European wines makes the Wine Masters role that much easier. This of course is down to the fine work of John Coco and those who have held the Cellar Masters role over the years and I wish to express my thanks to them.

"Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life's most civilised pleasures."
Michael Broadbent MW Aged 91
Andrew Bradley 7thMay 2018

Cellar List May 2018

Cellar Master's Report 2017

Wine & Food Society of BALLARAT

Cellar-Master’s Report  for 2017.

Thank you once more for allowing me to have the honour and privilege of being custodian to our (I’m sure) very enviable Wine Cellar!

As Cellar-Master it is always a challenge trying to determine the drinking preferences of the majority of the members, which older style wines are still being enjoyed and which newer styles are gaining favour as our palates change. And then trying to wade through and decide from a deluge of old and newer styles of wine being released!

In 2017 we consumed 238 bottles of wine as compared with 250 bottles the previous year, most of these came from our cellar with the remainder being generously donated by some of our members.

Throughout the year we purchased 255 bottles of wines at a cost of $13,414 (av. cost of $52.60 per bottle), whereas the previous year we purchased 269 bottles of wine at a cost of $14,188 (av. cost of $52.74 per bottle)
I have tried to maintain some of the more traditional wines but have needed to introduce some newer classics, where prices have become a bit prohibitive.

In the cellar we have 1462 bottles of wine with an approximate value of $117,864.
Taking into consideration our smaller sized cellar, maintaining approximately 1500 bottles of wine should suit our present needs, allowing some to mature as required and others to be enjoyed a little earlier.

Last but not least I wish to thank the President Mal Anderson, the Wine and Food Masters, Andrew and Andrew as well as the remaining committee members, for their support throughout the year, and also, the feedback from members, both good and bad was noted.

“To Wine! Those plump grapes’ Immortal Juice that does this happiness produce.”

John Coco
6th May 2018