Once again it has been an honour and a privilege to hold the position of Wine Master on behalf of the members of the society for the past year.
Throughout the year I have selected some wines that hopefully have tested your palette and pushed the boundaries a little in terms of matching them with the food of the evening but most importantly I hope you have enjoyed them.
The most satisfying part of the Wine Masters role for me is the robust discussion around the table about a particular wine or bracket of wines that I have selected. Of course, not everyone enjoys every wine that has been served during the night, but I trust I have had more hits than misses.
However not every selection or bottle that has been opened has worked out exactly as planned but those times have added to my knowledge and experience and for that I am grateful.
Working with such a fantastic cellar that is beautifully balanced with a mix of the best Australian and (mainly) European wines makes the Wine Masters role that much easier. This of course is down to the fine work of John Coco and those who have held the Cellar Masters role over the years and I wish to express my thanks to them.
Michael Broadbent MW Aged 91
Andrew Bradley 7thMay 2018
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