Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Farewell from the President

More about Jim

I last saw Jim at his home on the 2nd April to have a chat with him about his Membership of the Society for this year. When I say I went to have a chat it ended up with Jim doing the chatting and me doing the listening but looking back that was just what he needed. He regaled numerous stories from his past and it was evident that he really enjoyed life, well most of it anyway, and in particular travelling, good food and great wine. His association with the Wine and Food Society was, as we know a big part of his life and he was immensely grateful for and proud of the recognition of his 50 years last year. Jim was also very interested in the drug treatment he was receiving and felt that he was, if nothing else, helping those who may need the same treatment in the future. Whilst physically Jim was not in the best of shape when I was with him, mentally he was still as sharp as ever and was desperate to attend a Wine and Food Society Dinner again. No doubt, wherever he may be now, he is at the big table chatting about those bottles that he put into the cellar.

Thank you Jim for your contribution.
Andrew Bradley