Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


FWSFA website

Hi Dean,
Prior to our 800th Dinner on Saturday, I would be pleased if you would forward the following to all members regarding the new FWFSA website. With a little fanfare, it was launched, together with an updated FWFSA logo, at the recent FWFSA AGM in Orange.
The main features of the site are that it contains 3 levels of access - a general page open to the public, a members' section available with a members login, and a yet to be opened committee members' section.
The public section will provide anyone doing a general search of Wine & Food Societies with basic information and contact details. We are able to write our own description and information, and I was pleased to see the the link to our blogspot has already been included. 
In the Members section more specific information about the Society will be available. 
The Committee section will be for meeting papers etc.
It would be appreciated if members could visit the website and test it for themselves. In fact, it is important to let the committee know if there are any glitches and they can be reported up to the developers.
The details are:

The Federation of Wine & Food Societies Of Australia Inc: 
Members Login: FWFSAmember
Password: Member$01

Kind regards, and I look forward to catching up on Saturday,