Office Bearers

President Andrew Rowan Secretary Dean Stevens Cellar Master Shaun English Treasurer Glenn Sharp Wine Master Paul Martino Food Master Andrew Bradley


Cellar List Jan 2016

2015 Treasurer's Report


I would like to present my 4th treasurer  report
 The society  remains financially sound with a bank balance at the end of the year of $2420
Income from  subscriptions  cellar fees and dinner fees remains stable at $32060
Expenditure  of $30833 is slightly less than last year due to a modest reduction in wine purchases
With dinner costs being on average $100 per person I would recommend keeping the current  cellar and  dinner fees the same for the 2016 year
More members would obviously make the society better off financially

Phil Dover

Cellar Master's Report 2015

Wine & Food Society of Ballarat : Cellar-Masters Report (2015)

2015 was my first year as Cellar-Master and I felt quite honoured that the members had entrusted me to fill this position, thank you, I looked forward to the challenge and also realized a need to maintain the high standard set by my predecessor, Jim Patterson.

We consumed around 232 bottles last year, 204 from our cellar plus another 18 - some of which were donated and the remainder bought to meet special needs.
We spent about $7,685 to purchase 136 bottles of wine with an average price of about $56.50.
At the start of 2015 we had around 1400 bottles in the cellar and ended the year with around 1300 bottles, down a little but still plenty to meet our needs.

I set myself the goal when replenishing wines for our cellar, to find a happy mix of tried and true ‘old favourites’ as well as some from lesser known labels and wine-makers, all at the best price possible, this I believe I have achieved.
I anticipate that in the future, these wines will result in a smacking-of -the-lips and  a small nod of approval from the members!

I thank our Food-Master, Andrew Lewis, for his choice of venues and for some  interesting and delightful dishes that we enjoyed throughout 2015.
I also thank our Wine-Master, Dean Stevens, with the occasional help from Andrew Bradley, for meeting the challenge of matching wines to these courses. Well done!


John Coco

Wine Master's Report